Again too many times

It’s again been a while again, the lead up to Christmas has had us busy. For any we don’t email or talk too, Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year! We’re off to Bruges in Belgium tomorrow morning, we leave here at 4am, fly out at 8am and get to Brussels at around 10am their time. We’ll then wander around Brussels for a bit and then make our way by train to Bruges, where we’ll spend the next four nights.

We’ve sent off a lot of Christmas cards and presents but unfortunately most will probably arrive after Christmas itself, we hope you don’t mind. Patricia, yours will be especially late, problems with the supplier not sending it till the middle of January, we’re working on something else.

There’s not much else to say right now, we’ve spent the last month working, buying presents, preparing gifts and working out how to send them. We’ve also had work Christmas parties, a Kiwi night and The Two Towers movie to attend. Once our short holiday is over it’ll be slowly getting into Wedding mode for 2003, we’re already looking forward to getting to New Zealand for Steve and Chris’s Wedding in March, plus visiting all the family and friends we haven’t seen in a couple of years.

Thats all for now, enjoy the holiday season one and all, with luck we’ll be seeing most of you next year.

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