Nine days to go

Hi there. We haven’t been up to a lot recently so that’s why there haven’t been any updates. We’ve done lots of Christmas shopping and have also bought ourselves a colour printer so we can do our own photo prints but that’s about the limit of our excitement right now. We did go and watch The Fellowship of the Ring on the big screen on the weekend, I got four free tickets from one of the papers (The Sun) and we took Maree and Scott with us, it was good to see it again. Only 9 days till The Two Towers.

I just found out that an Ice Sculpture festival is currently taking place in Brugge and ends on the 23rd, the day after we arrive, so we’ll have to go see that. Winter has finally decided to come across Britain as well, we’re down to 2 degrees today with wind chill taking it closer to -8 degrees. Strangely enough we’ll be going shopping for warmer clothes this weekend. Not much else going on, we’re putting together the last of our gifts and hoping that everything will get to NZ and Aussie in time, and working, so I’d better go now.

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