A summer holiday – Hamilton

We had a couple of nights in Hamilton and we spent our free day wandering in the city and later on going for a walk to visit Adam’s school. I had told Bridget about a photo competition I am looking at entering which has a theme around tea in an urban setting. Bridget though the […]

A summer holiday – Turangi

We were to spend Christmas 2014 in Whangarei and our plan was to drive north over a few days, staying in Turangi and Hamilton to break up the journey. So first stop Turangi. We left Porirua on a Friday night with the thought that Alayna would sleep for most of the journey. I guess next […]

Red Rocks

Saturday was a stay inside away from the howling wind and constant damp kind of day. We got some baking done and a few other things around the house but didn’t really get any fresh air. Thankfully Sunday was calm and dry so we headed out mid-morning to the Wellington South Coast for a walk […]

Visiting Wellington Zoo

Alayna is fast becoming a fan of the natural world and becomes quite entranced with animals. Our cats are definitely a focus of attention and when there are birds outside Alayna will sit and watch with interest. When we visit Zealandia its obvious that Alayna is getting more and more interested in the fauna and […]

The Arras Tunnel

The area around the Wellington War Memorial is being remodelled into a larger memorial park and part of the work involves putting a section on Buckle Street underground. The new underpass has been named the Arras Tunnel in memory of the New Zealand recruits who were tunnelling underneath the town of Arras in France in […]

The 1st Birthday Party

Alayna is one in a couple of days and today we held a small birthday party. We had family and a few friends around to celebrate. Alayna had a wonderful day full of play, presents and happy interaction with lots of people. I’m pretty sure that Alayna won’t need any new toys for a few […]

Swimming lessons

We’ve been taking Alayna to swimming lessons at the Tawa School pool with Easyswim. At the moment the sessions are all about getting Alayna comfortable with being in the water and beginning to teach her a few ideas like kicking legs and moving arms through the water. Its been going well and Alayna has enjoyed […]

Short and very sweet

Alayna has been expressing her individuality at dinner time and is quite happy to have a go at feeding herself. It might be messy but its a lot of fun and so far the mess has been confined to Alayna and the high chair, both of which are easily cleaned. We’re looking forward to more […]

A zoo party

Today was the combined first birthday celebration for our antenatal group held at Wellington Zoo. We headed to the zoo a little early to walk around while Alayna was still fresh after her morning sleep. It was a sunny but cold afternoon and many of the zoo animals were sleeping in the sun but therefore […]

Raumati Beach

Keryn’s parents have been staying with us for the last week and there hasn’t been a lot of outdoor activity due to the rubbish winter weather. Today looked a bit nicer and with my football postponed due to the sodden ground we had a plan to head north for lunch and a walk. First we […]

10 Months

Winter continues and finally seems to have a little bite. Colder weather coincided with both Keryn and Alayna getting colds, nothing too bad but both have been run down and while they’re now on the mend there is a lingering cough so we’ve been limiting the outdoor time. Meanwhile Keryn has been continuing with the […]

Earl & Alayna (with a side of apple)

Our cat Cadbury is still quite wary of Alayna but our other cat Earl is coming around to the idea that we have a new family member after only 9 months. The change in opinion may have something to do with the fact that Earl is on a diet and he hangs around looking for […]

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