Wary acceptance

Earl & Alayna (with a side of apple)

Our cat Cadbury is still quite wary of Alayna but our other cat Earl is coming around to the idea that we have a new family member after only 9 months. The change in opinion may have something to do with the fact that Earl is on a diet and he hangs around looking for food but I prefer to think that he is just accepting (so long as Alayna doesn’t get too close for too long and doesn’t do anything like grab too hard). So here we have some of today’s interactions between our excited little girl with the cat obsession and our Earl who is getting over his little girl phobia.

Earl eye view, what is there to be afraid about?
Earl eye view, what is there to be afraid about?
That's a look of love, not obsession
That’s a look of love, not obsession
Reading about cats in the company of Earl
Reading about cats in the company of Earl

In addition to working on her social interactions Alayna is also being introduced to new foods. Feeding Alayna is an adventure with her tastes varying day by day. One day she’ll happily eat something and then it’ll be unacceptable for the next week. This is apparently quite normal, one of those many things we learn as parents I guess. Anyway, Alayna has been eating various fruit for a while now but has only recently been feeding herself when given slices. She happily munches her way through the slice, occasionally gagging when she bites off a too big chunk (we let Alayna sort herself out with a helping pat on the back) but also makes wonderful faces as she munches. We think its probably the tartness.

Apple eating
Apple eating
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