Sally-Anne pops over for a visit

Sally-Anne is staying with us tonight. She’s been over this side of the world for a conference and to visit a few labs (In Scotland and Reading) and has visited or stayed on a couple of occasions over the last few weeks. The day before we went to Milton Keynes we went on a ‘tourist’ […]

Family and Tori Amos

We’ve been busy over the last few days. I’ve had siblings ring me at work from Melbourne, I rang my Dad to say happy birthday, we’ve had Pauline ring after coming back from NZ last week and Keryn called Steve and Chris in Melbourne as well. We’ve spent a bit of time looking at Australian […]

Andorra: Day 3 – White Christmas

We opened the prezzies in the morning. We then all dressed warmly in our wet weather gear then headed off to play in the snow; several snow angels, snowball fights, 1 or 2 people getting stuck in the snow. Karyn and I made a snowman, while Brian wrote his name in the snow repeatedly (not […]

Andorra: Day 1 – Arriving at Pas de la Casa

We met up with everybody, being Karyn and Brian, Maree and Scot, and Bernie, at Victoria Station in the morning and caught the Gatwick Express to the airport. The Airport was really busy – everyone seemed to be going away for Christmas. While waiting in a queue to start the sorting process we stumbled into […]

Leeds Castle & Guy Fawkes

We’ve been really lucky with the weather for our trips, and today was no exception. We decided on a relaxed start to this trip, by departing mid morning (10am). After getting out of London we made good time driving around the M25, going over the river along the impressive QEII Bridge. For those of you […]

Karyn & Brian go to Crete

Karyn & Brian came back from their holiday in Crete and brought the nice weather back with them. Since Maree & Scott had been gone for so long, a BBQ was in order for people to catch up. So here we all were in the middle on London having a typical antipodeans BBQ (6 Kiwis […]

South Kensington walking

The following weekend Karyn & Brian’s friends Maree & Scott arrived after a two-month holiday travelling around Italy & Spain. They are crashing here until the find a place to live (they moved the following weekend, so Karyn & Brian only had a house full of Kiwis for a few days). We considered checking out […]

London Markets & Robot Wars

Last weekend Karyn & I (Keryn) decided to go to the markets for the day. We wanted to go to Spitalfields & Petticoat Lane Markets, but after surfacing from the tube and wandering around we quickly discovered that these markets were not open on a Saturday. We figured since we were in the City, with […]

The first Melbourne days

Hello, We’ve been here in Melbourne for just over four days now. Melbourne is a lovely place (the perfect weather helps of course). We’re staying with Steve and Chris at their apartment on the edge of the central city. We nearly didn’t make it at all, we went to the Flight Centre in Whangarei the […]

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