Day 70 : Cuenca

In the morning we were guided by Vanessa to a Panama hat factory. Panama hats are made in Ecuador, the name apparently comes from when the workers on the Panama Canal were all given the hats to wear as they worked and it has stuck ever since. We were shown the process of making the […]

Day 69 : Banós to Cuenca

The drive from Banós to Cuenca took all day. Normally I don’t take many photos on driving day, being too snobby to shoot from a moving truck. Today that changed and I took lots of photos, probably helped by the beautiful weather and stunning scenery. Rather than write about driving from A to B here […]

Day 68 : Near Banós

We had nothing planned today and pretty much did a lot of relaxing. The sun came out for long periods and I was able to take down our tent and dry the groundsheet. We got some washing done and I figured out how to edit movies using the laptop. The horse riding continued in Keryn’s […]

Day 67 : Near Banós

Another day in paradise and today we went white water rafting. There were two rafts going down the Rio Pastaza and in our raft we had me, Keryn, Rhys, Vanessa and Danny. Danny and I were in the front. The other raft had Kerrie, Albert, Melissa and Sean. Much like our first rafting experience in […]

Day 66 : Near Banós

As this is pretty much the only place on our trip through South America where it’s possible to do canyoning I had signed up for this as todays activity. Shortly after 9am I was getting kitted up along with Sean, Daniel, Janet and Angie. We all got wetsuits, spray jackets, life jackets, abseiling harnesses and […]

Day 65 : The Amazon Jungle to Banós

Before leaving the jungle we had time for one more activity. Fausto led us on a short walk from the lodge and we met the boat on the other side of the island. Along the way we saw some spider monkeys in the trees, they didn’t seem very happy to see us with angry expressions […]

Day 64 : The Amazon Jungle

The morning boat trip took us to a local village. We waited on the shore while Fausto cleared our arrival and then walked through the plantations and gardens to reach some of the village buildings. We walked past a house and school to a field where locals were working clearing weeds from the crops of […]

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