
The Landsecurities social committee had an Olympics event last week at a bar near the Strand offices. Other than free drink and food there was also a number of sporting events played out on the Wii, naturally using the Olympics game. Great fun was had with most people trying their hardest, as you can see.

Playing for victory; Anne and Sabri
Playing for victory; Anne and Sabri

For each event people had turns over a half hour or so to try and get the best time/result and at the end a medal was awarded to the victor. I won a medal in the swimming, obviously not real life then.

Gold Medallist in the swimming
Gold Medallist in the swimming

We all had a good time and I took loads of photos. Here’s one last one of friends from work, from the left Kiran, Melesha and Craig.

IT Olympians; Kiran, Melesha and Craig
Playing for victory

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