Jenny, Darren, Isabella, Frances, Merv

The weekend just gone we spent the Saturday evening with Bindi and Corey’s place, having dinner with Kathy, Sharon and our hosts. It was a night of pleasant talk and good food and we stayed the night so we could be close to Heathrow in the morning. We had offered to pick up my Aunty and Uncle, Frances and Mervn, and take them up to Grantham so they could meet their new grandchild Isabella.

The plane was due in around 7am but thankfully (for us anyway) it was delayed. We met at Terminal 3 and loaded up the car before heading north. There was a delay for roadworks on the M1 and we had a break at motorway services to grab a bite to eat. We got to Grantham mid afternoon.

Jenny and Darren were outside with Isabella when we arrived and the afternoon involved everyone talking about Isabella, the birth, the house and garden, others who had visited and everything in between. we said our goodbyes as evening came on, wanting to get home before dark.

Jenny with Isabella

Jenny with Isabella



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