and baby makes three

A week ago Keryn gave birth to our baby girl. Alayna Bailey Huia Doran arrived at 5:35pm on Sunday 8th September and was a healthy 3.96 kgs. This past week has been an interesting and steep learning curve, as I’m sure all new parents will attest. The following is a photo essay of our first week as a family of three.

Keryn and Alayna meeting for the first time with Elaine looking on.
Keryn and Alayna meeting for the first time with Elaine looking on.
Keryn's mother Elaine holding Alayna for the first time.
Keryn’s mother Elaine holding Alayna for the first time.
Holding Alayna for the first time.
Holding Alayna for the first time.
Keryn and Alayna get to know each other on the morning following the birth.
Keryn and Alayna get to know each other on the morning following the birth.
Asleep at the hospital.
Asleep at the hospital.
Sleeping at home in the crib made by Keryn's father.
Sleeping at home in the crib made by Keryn’s father.
Asleep in the cot.
Asleep in the crib.
Chilling out at home with dad.
Chilling out at home with dad.
Alayna's first bath at home.
Alayna’s first bath at home.
Aunty Catherine and Uncle Paul come for a visit.
Aunty Catherine and Uncle Paul come for a visit.
Alayna at home, nearly a week old.
Alayna at home, nearly a week old.

There will be many more firsts and a fair few bumps along the way but as your parents we’ll love every minute. So happy first week Alayna!

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