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Amanda Palmer Wellington Ninja Parade

Amanda Palmer is back in Wellington as part of a world tour and she decided to lead a parade around various Wellington locations, stopping here and there to entertain the following. The initial list of locations expanded as some of the more clued by places in Wellington invited her to bring her rag-tag army along for a visit.

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A piano on the waterfront

Starting at Frank Kitts park at the harbour side piano belonging to the nearby Tuatua Cafe Amanda sang a few songs accompanied by ukulele and piano. With a decent crowd in attendance it was then off to the Wellington Library, everyone following a flag toting local. There were families, friends, musicians and the odd ninja all parading to the library in the evening sun in a ragged line, all wondering what would happen next.

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We all filed into the library and most simply sat down as we waited for Amanda to come in. Once Amanda was with us she was presented with the (sacred?) blue Library ukulele. All of a sudden identical blue ukulele’s were appearing everywhere and the library one wasn’t seeming so special any more. With some tuning issues evident Amanda handed back the library instrument and then treated us to more songs playing on her own uke, including a quiet-cussing Map of Tasmania and a beautiful version of the Radiohead song Creep.

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Presenting the library ukulele

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From the library the parade then headed to Te Papa. It was cold but with no wind and a low evening light the walk was very pleasant and the harbour sparkled as we passed by. Arriving at the museum we got some quick guidance from our leader and then we all quietly entered, making our way upstairs to Our Space for more stories and music.

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Parading again

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More singing!

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The long view

More songs performed and then a task was set for the audience. Everyone was to draw something on a piece of paper and after 10 minutes or so it was outside where everyone lined up so Amanda could look at all the artwork. Taking her time Amanda moved along the line videoing the whole way and getting a good look at everyones creative drawings.

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The other long view

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Videoing art and artists

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Recording complete the parade reformed and headed for Cuba Street, coming to a stop at a stage just up from the Bucket Fountain and outside Ferret Bookshop. After encouraging the purchase of books there were more tunes followed by a signing of any books people had bought. It was then onward to the top of Cuba Street and the wonderfully named Laundry on Cuba, and unfortunately that was where I had to depart the parade. It was fun that far, and I imagine only more fun for the remainder.

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Performing on Cuba

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Singing books and more books

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A final photo of books

Some more photos can be found on Flickr.

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