But first I must prepare and do my stretches. See mum, I can fly!

Fabric selection with Alayna, 7 months

My mum has a secret project and I’m helping her with it as you can see.

Hello. My name is Alayna and today I shall show you how I help my mother with fabric selection.
Hello. My name is Alayna and today I shall show you how I help my mother with fabric selection.
But first I must prepare and do my stretches. See mum, I can fly!
But first I must prepare and do my stretches. See mum, I can fly!
Mum has bought all this wonderful fabric for secret projects so I'm helping select favourites.
Mum has bought all this wonderful fabric for secret projects so I’m helping select favourites.
The final test of any good fabric is how it tastes, and this one tastes the best!
The final test of any good fabric is how it tastes, and this one tastes the best!
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