Easter in Venice

Our Easter in Venice was very relaxing, for once we took a holiday and didn’t spend most of it rushing around. We only had vague plans of what we were doing each day and enjoyed ourselves wandering the streets of Venice and visiting the outer islands such as Murano where the fabled Venitian glass is made.

Loking across the bay from St. Marks Square
Looking across the bay from St. Marks Square

Our B&B was very nice, if a little cosy, and was situated north east of St. Marks Square, about a 15 minute walk (though we never seemed to take the same path and often ended up taking a lot longer). Walking the streets was a exercise in discovery, we never knew what we’d find around the next corner.

The Grand Canal over to the Basilica in the early evening
The Grand Canal over to the Basilica in the early evening

We spent a lot of time looking at various shops for masks, glass and artwork. In the end Keryn bought a vase from a very friendly and helpful man in a shop on Murano and we bought masks from three different stores. We also bought artwork from a very nice man who was exhibiting his wares on the prominade next to St. Marks Square, an endevour that nearly made us miss our bus back to the airport.

One of the many different masks on show and for sale in Venice
One of the many different masks on show and for sale in Venice

There are, as always, many more photos and a larger writeup to come. Hopefully (it may be wishful thinking) we’ll have this and many other holidays properly written up in the coming months.

A typical scene down one of the smaller venice canals
A typical scene down one of the smaller venice canals

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