Moving to Brentwood

As I said, all is now well… other than the guestbook not working anyway. We’ve now moved into our new place in Brentwood and are in the middle of unpacking the many boxes that are stacked around the place. Last night we went back to Friern Barnet and cleaned everything so all is now sparkling and free from dust and dirt. Tonight Keryn is going back to have the inventory done and then hopefully we’ll get our bond back in a few weeks, which will be nice.

The move itself went well, other than Keryn coming down with something on the Sunday which meant she couldn’t really do anything for most of the day. That left me to return the hire van to Wembley before 12pm. I left Brentwood at around 10.30am and only had one stop, to fill the tank with diesel. I took no wrong turns and had good traffice the whole way and I got there with 5 minutes to spare. I was quite pleased with my navigation effort really (M25 to M1, M1 to A406 and then A406 to Wembley where I had to navigate a number of smaller roads). Anyway, it’s done now, we’re in. Now we can start to look forward to Venice, where we’ll be in a couple of days.

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