Great Weta Race

The Great Weta Race pt. 2

Into Wellington and a quick stop so Keryn could get a photo of Westpac Stadium where crowd noise was taken for use in the films. We stopped to get lunch and then found a park near the Embassy Cinema so I could a shot of the site of the Return of the King premier. Then we visted a more obscure location, a quarry at the end of Ellice Street where Dunharrow came to life.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Towards the stadium.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Taking in a movie?

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Quarry no. 2.

Heading out to Lyall Bay and we passed all the surfers waiting for a wave and another quarry over the road from Dorrie Leslie Park for a further photos. Then we took the scenic route around the Miramar Penisnsular to Scorching Bay and the site of what was the Chocolate Fish Cafe. We happened to park next to Orlando Bloom which was a piece of luck so got him to sign our copy of the Hobbit which lives in the car (just in case), it was good of him to humor us. Nearly done we had one final destination, the Weta Cave. And here we are, one race complete.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Quarry no. 3, not a holiday destination.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Near the old Fort Dorset site, which doubled as Bree.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

What used to be the Chocolate Fish Cafe in Scorching Bay

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Thanks Orlando.

Great Weta RacePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Back at the Cave.
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