MG 2233

Mary Victoria & The Weta Cave

Saturday afternoon we headed to the Weta Cave in Miramar. There were three reasons for a visit. We had a Lord of the Rings statue to pick up (more on that later), there was the recent change of displays at the Cave to look over and we timed the visit (I say we, it’s more I) to coincide with the launch of a new book called Tymon’s Flight, written by Mary Victoria.

We had a look around the new exhibits, interesting to see pieces from old Peter Jackson classics like Brain Dead and Meet the Feebles. We picked up the rather large box containing our statue and briefly struggled to get it into the car, also purchasing Tymon’s Flight so we could get it signed. Then we waited for the signing to start.

MG 2233Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Meet the Feebles props

Mary was introduced, read a piece from the book and then took a few questions (film rights are available, Peter Jackson hasn’t taken the option yet). Mary used to work for Weta before heading down the full time writing job path and while working in Weta Digital worked in the office above the Cave. We got the book signed by Mary and her husband Frank. Mr Victoria did the cover art for the book, generously finding the time when not working for Weta Workshop. With only a couple of little questions we were soon on our way, leaving the author and artist to the line of people behind us.

MG 2245Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Mary Victoria tells us about her first book, Tymon’s Flight
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