MG 9617

Sun, Surf, stones?

With a break in my shifts and some nice weather I got out early in the morning to see what the sunrise would look like from Wainuiomata beach. The beach pretty much faces south, not so good for sunrise perhaps, but I thought I’d give it a try anyway.

The morning was cold and driving through the fog of Wainuiomata I wondered if there was going to be anything to see at the beach. The fog was thankfully local to the town and cleared away as I drove the Coast Road. Arriving at the beach I got my gear together and walked down to my favourite rock on the beach and set up to take photos.

The waves were coming in quite strong but there was a good breeze heading offshore keeping all the spray away from me and the camera. Sunrise came and went, mostly colouring the sky behind where I facing but the morning glow did hit the distant Kaikoura ranges for a while rending the snow capped peaks in a rosy pink.

MG 9617Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Sunrise on Wainuiomata Beach

MG 9619Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Limited colour facing west

MG 9639Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Pink Mountains

About the same time my long lens started refusing to autofocus I also was beginning to lose feeling in my fingers so it was time to go. Any colour was gone from the sky anyway, and the sun was lying hidden behind a cloud bank. I took a few final shots of some fishing boats and a final set of the rock and then it was back to the car.

MG 9683Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Cool feeling

MG 9700Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Out fishing

I drove in to the city and spent a few hours at a Zealandia. It was still quite cool but the sun was coming out and providing a little warmth. Not enough for the tuatara, I don’t think winter is the best month to be seeing the reptiles. I also didn’t have much luck photographing any other wildlife either, the birdlife hiding away from the track. There was one inquisitive robin which hung around long enough for a few shots and the Wellington geckos didn’t have much chance to hide in their cages but that was about it.

MG 9746Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A robin briefly keeps company

MG 9777Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A gecko in the sunlight

It was good to get outdoors for a while, hopefully the weather plays ball during my next break as well.

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