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Catching up on the past: Cinque Terre

Easter 2008 saw us take a brief holiday to the Cinque Terre region of Italy. We did a lot of walking on the trails between the towns of Monterosso al Mare and Riomaggiore and had a great time. We based ourselves in Vernazza and quickly got into a habit of heading down to a little hole in the wall shop each morning for fresh, warm focaccia. We explored the lovely towns and had a good time. We even managed to bump into friends from London travelling at the same time. There are lots of photos on flickr, a few included here. Next up I’ll need to get the other half of the trip photos online, where we stayed in Pisa and took a day trip to Lucca.

IMG 5077Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Looking over Vernazza at dusk

IMG 5066Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Colourful and dilapidated houses in Riomaggiore

IMG 5115Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Looking down from the cemetery at Monterosso al Mare
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