Tiritiri Matangi Island

I’ve been wanting to visit Tiritiri Matangi Island for a long time and our recent trip up to Auckland for the Elbow concert gave us a perfect opportunity. It’s possible to visit the island as part of a day trip but we decided to stay the night. There is a DOC managed bunk-house on the […]

On the road: Cervantes to Geraldton

We were on the road again early the next morning, the benefits of sleeping in our own transport becoming obvious. We drove to the pinnacles and again had them mostly to ourselves, being joined for a short while by a British man taking similar photos. The flies also largely kept away, at least until the […]

Sun, Surf, stones?

With a break in my shifts and some nice weather I got out early in the morning to see what the sunrise would look like from Wainuiomata beach. The beach pretty much faces south, not so good for sunrise perhaps, but I thought I’d give it a try anyway. The morning was cold and driving […]


We have moved to Camborne. The owners of our previous place decided to sell as they were themselves moving away from Wellington, so we decided that rather than wait for a new owner who might want to rent the place we would look to move. We quite like the idea of living on the Kapiti […]

Day 135 : El Chalt?n to El Calafate

A group of five of us was up at 5:30am to go for the sunrise walk but it turned out I had miscalculated and the sun rose thirty minutes earlier than I thought it would. We were walking up the path into the national park and from a viewpoint could see the sky turning to […]

Day 131 : Baraloche

We had grand plans today to head out to a nearby national park for some walking but didn’t quite get there in the end. First up I dragged myself out of bed very early to meet up with Margie for some sunrise shots down at the lake. We were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, colours […]

Day 23 : Tikal

We needed to get up early to give us time to get to Tikal and get into position for sunrise. We would be viewing from Temple 4, the largest temple at Tikal at the west of the site, perfectly placed to watch the sun rise over the jungle and protruding temple tops. Our guide and […]

Sunrise from Mt Sinai

No, we didn’t just go back to Egypt for a day, this is a photo you may have seen before from our travels last September. On top of Mt Sinai we watched the sun rise and it was a peaceful, beautiful experience. Or at least it should have been. Fighting your way through crowds of […]


There are a number of guidelines in photography that help make for better images. This shot breaks quite a few of these guidlines, the most obvious being the one about not putting the horizon line through the middle of your photo. I like the shot anyway. I think I’m going to get rid of the […]

The Barbican

More sunrise images, this time taken as I walked from Barbican tube station to work though the Barbican complex Aldersgate Street, taken from the road bridge leading from the Barbican tube to the Barbican complex Sunlight flowing through the Barbican complex. Sunrise over east London.


Sunrise as I walked to the train station this morning.

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