MG 0537

Looking for whales, finding only dolphins

The day after our Auckland photo walk we took advantage of more good weather to book a Hauraki Gulf Safari, the decision aided by Travis and Sophie having obtained very cheap tickets. We barely saw a swell on the four hour trip around the Gulf and it was warm in the sun which was just as well as I did my usual thing of sitting outside for the majority of the trip so as not to miss any photo opportunities.

Unfortunately any whales in the vicinity proved elusive so it was just as well that we saw plenty of dolphins. The trick with whale watching is to pay close attention to the food chain, don;t look for whales but rather look for birds which are much easier to spot. Avians such as the Australasian gannet feed on the same fish as the dolphins and some whales, other whales eating the same plankton as the that eaten by the fish. So follow the birds and you’ll increase the chances of seeing the ocean mammals.

MG 0537Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Follow that gannet!

We did find a solitary seal and stopped by the appropriately named gannet rock but no whales today. we sailed through a few pods of common dolphins, picking up passengers who enjoyed racing along with the bow wave. There were a few moments of acrobatics but usually these events were in the distance.

MG 0574Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A common dolphin

Common dolphin riding the bow wavePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Leaping from the bow wave

There were plenty of others out on the harbour taking in the nice weather. Auckland’s CBD gleamed in the afternoon sun and I think everyone had a good time.

Sailing on the HarbourPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A nice afternoon for sailing

The Sky Tower from the harbourPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Coming back to port
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