MG 5204

When it’s good…

Such a beautiful sunset last night, who would want to be anywhere else? The Plimmerton beach on a calm, warm spring night is the place to be.

MG 5204Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Sunset over Mana Island.

MG 5216Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Russet tones over the top of the South Island (it looks like an island, it might just be the perspective).

MG 5243Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A seagull taking a turn before flying north.

MG 5262Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Heading out to Mana Island.
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One thought on “When it’s good…

  1. Hi Brendon, It reminds me of the early morning at Baraoche in Argentina. A wonderful morning there too. Well done. I love the last photo of heading out to Mana Isand.

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