Summer Holidays

We spent a lot of time at or near home over the Christmas/New Years break. This was mostly due to uncertainty created by the ongoing Covid-19 situation and staying home just seemed easiest. We had a short 4 night trip to Timaru to see my family but otherwise we?ve been staying in the Greater Wellington […]

February highlights

It’s been a busy February so far with lots of things happening including my 40th birthday. Rather than go into any detail here’s a few photographic highlights instead. Walking at Zealandia: Camping at Kaitoke: Chinese New Year: Plimmerton fish and chips: Walking in Wellington on my birthday: Back to Zealandia: Night time at the Pauatahanui […]

Tuturuatu in Plimmerton

One of the rarer bird species in New Zealand has been frequenting the coastline near the fire station in Plimmerton recently. The Tuturuatu or shore plover number only a few hundred birds in total. DOC released 41 Tuturuatu onto Mana Island back in 2008 and in last year a small flock relocated itself to the […]

The Great Weta Race pt. 3

There were a number of different groups who went out during the day on the Great Weta Race and as they all came back to the Weta Cave their photos were put on display so everyone could see the fantastic efforts of all concerned. Once the final group came back and the last photos had […]

Walking Locally

The opportunity finally presented itself (good weather, the tide was right, we were both available and willing) for a chance to walk the coastal path between Pukerua Bay and Plimmerton on the weekend just gone. We caught the train from Plimmerton to Pukerua Bay and then headed down to the Bay before following the coast […]

ASB Gardens Magic: Jess Chambers

Monday was a holiday here in Wellington and it was nice to spend the day together, especially as I had been working on the weekend. We spent the morning with Sam and Jules checking out some wedding venues in the Wairarapa. It looks like a decision has been made on where they’ll be getting married, […]

Plimmerton Station re-opening

We’ve been getting monthly newsletters in the mail from the Plimmerton residents association (which reminds me, we should really pay our sub, I suspect out landlady paid previously) and one of the news items each month has been about the refurbishment of Plimmerton Station. Largely performed through volunteer work the day came for the grand […]

WWA Freewave round 2

The Wellington Windsurfing Association had their 2nd freewave event today in Plimmerton and we went down for a half hour or so to watch the action. Compared to the last time there was a lot more jumping going on, but it wasn’t a competition previously. It was also easier to spot the wind surfers intentions […]

When it’s good…

Such a beautiful sunset last night, who would want to be anywhere else? The Plimmerton beach on a calm, warm spring night is the place to be. Photo by Brendon & Keryn Sunset over Mana Island. Photo by Brendon & Keryn Russet tones over the top of the South Island (it looks like an island, […]


We went into town today on an unsuccessful mission to find Keryn some new shoes. On the way out we spotted a couple of kite surfing kites appearing over the trees that line the channel into the Porirua lagoon. Coming back from town the kite surfers had gone but there were a half dozen or […]


Spring is in the air, there is lots or rain and wind about. Photography has taken a back seat recently, coinciding with one of my lenses being sent up to Auckland for repair after the auto focus motor failed. It was an expensive fix, but much cheaper than buying a new lens. Naturally, back seat […]

Up for dawn

The rain and wind of the last few weeks cleared for a few days so I got out one morning this week to take a few photos. Photo by Brendon & Keryn Looking towards the dawn glow over Lyall Bay, from Tarakena Bay Photo by Brendon & Keryn Looking the other way towards Bearing Head […]

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