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We went into town today on an unsuccessful mission to find Keryn some new shoes. On the way out we spotted a couple of kite surfing kites appearing over the trees that line the channel into the Porirua lagoon. Coming back from town the kite surfers had gone but there were a half dozen or so windsurfers zipping along the Plimmerton foreshore so we parked up and took a walk down the beach to watch the action.

The breeze was strong but very changeable and where one minute there would be windsurfers leaping over waves the next there would be three in the surf as a wind change caught them out. We watched as people came in and more went out, there were over a dozen in the end. One guy in particular was obviously more confident than the rest and he was one of the few coping well with the conditions and jumping over waves.

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Taking to the air

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We stayed until the combination of bright light and cold wind got too much (maybe we needed wetsuits as well). It looked like everyone was having a good time, there must be a windsurfers forum or facebook group somewhere because new boards kept arriving on the beach and there were many cars parked up on the road with people leaving and arriving.

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Synchronised windsurfing

I headed back to the beach as sunset neared but missed the final windsurfers in the water, the last couple were heading to their cars as I turned into the Plimmerton road. So I stayed and got a few sunset shots instead.

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The setting sun glows over Mana Island

MG 3143Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Sunset from Plimmerton, looking to the South Island
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