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Sinclair Head Seals

Keryn and I haven’t yet visited the well known Red Rocks on the Wellington south coast so I decided I’d go have a look. The forecast fine day turned out to be grey and drizzly, good walking weather I suppose. I parked at the Owhiro Bay information point and started the walk along the coastal path, keeping one eye of the pounding surf coming in from cook strait. There was no chance of the water getting near the path, if was more that the powerful surge was generating large waves that were quite mesmerising.

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Waves and rocks

I was thinking it would take a few hours to get to Red Rocks but this turned out to be a big overestimation, even stopping to take photos of the water crashing over resolute crags of rock I still arrived in less than an hour. The rocks were indeed red but for some reason I didn’t feel inclined to take any photos at that point, instead taking photos of normal coloured rocks and washed up seaweed and kelp further along the path.

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Thick kelp piled on shore

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Interesting texture

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Decaying kelp and seaweed on the rocks

Further on at Sinclair Head was a more interesting group of subjects. In the winter months male New Zealand fur seals spend their time relaxing on the rocks, and I arrived to find dozens of fat and sleepy seals resting on the foreshore. I spent a few hours taking photos of the mostly stationary animals, occasionally one would lift a lazy head to see that the noise was about and a couple made half hearted attempts to get animated at my presence but lost interest when I didn’t get any closer.

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A rock for a pillow

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Best mattress on the south coast

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Grumpy or bored, I’m not sure which

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False bravado

Heading back I got more shots of the never ending waves. It must be quite a sight on a windy day, though probably the wind and spray wouldn’t be conductive to photography. I’ll have to try it some time and see ;).

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Baring Head in the distance

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Big wave hits solid rock
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