Niagara Falls

We arose this morning to a breakfast of pancakes and french toast. We spent a bit of time talking to Lorlee (of Leeway B&B fame) before doing our final packing and then saying goodbye.

The view from the Leeway B&B shoreline down the lake.
The view from the Leeway B&B shoreline down the lake

For the next five hours we pretty much just drove, slowly encountering more vehicles and civilisation as we approached the Toronto area. Other than a fifteen minute wait at some roadworks it was a smooth drive.

Arriving at our B&B at Niagara Falls we met our hostess and were given a quick tour of our room and then we were soon out the door and walking down the road to the booking booths for the Maid of the Mist cruise. It all happened very quickly, we paid, wandered ever downward and were funnelled through concrete tunnels out onto a concourse. Passing through a marquee we were given our blue Mist Maid ponchos and were then boarding for the next cruise.

Watching and hiding from the view.
Watching and hiding from the view

We set off on a boat that was full at the railings to port and starboard. There was a running commentary which I wasn’t really listening too and then we hit the mist being generated by the American falls. It was like being in a very windy drizzle, the water blasting over the ship. More was to come further along as we entered the eye of the horseshoe falls, nothing visible but churning water below and bright white haze ahead while the noise made it hard to think. Taking photos was difficult, the water being all pervasive, at least I didn’t break anything. On the boat we also bumped into the four Australians from the dinner party the other day. They had come down the previous day and it was complete chance that they happened to be on the same Mist cruise as us.

Back on dry land we walked down to the lip of the Horseshoe fall on the Canadian side. Unfortunately the wind was blowing our way so we got quite wet while watching the massive flow head over the edge. We dried out as we walked back to the B&B and there we got changed and then got into the car to go for another drive.

Keryn and the Horseshoe Fall at Niagara.
Keryn and the Horseshoe Fall at Niagara

Brendon and the Horseshoe Fall at Niagara.
Brendon and the Horseshoe Fall at Niagara

We headed north towards Niagara on the Lake, a much prettier town 20 or so kms away. We admired the lovely large and expensive looking houses that lined the road at times and did a bit of a drive down the towns main street. It was a very pretty little town, obviously quite well to do. We had dinner in a very nice restaurant that did extremely tasty food, if a little fancier than we would normally have. Replete we headed back to the falls and looked for somewhere to park so we could get a few photos of the lights on the falls. We baulked at paying $12 to park nearby and instead parked in the deserted coach area by the horseshoe falls… luckily we didn’t get caught. A few photos were taken and then it was back to the B&B for some packing and then bed, it’s an early start tomorrow to drive back to Toronto for our flight to New York.

Looking upriver at night.
Looking upriver at night

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