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Shoot London Lite was an event organised by the people at Shoot Experience. On the Saturday an event was held called Shoot London and involved teams of up to four people meeting in the morning at the Tate Modern Museum and getting their clues before heading our to take photographs. They all had a time limit to be back at the Tate for a Champagne reception where all the photos would be downloaded and prizes awarded for the best interpretations of the clues. Shoot London Lite was the same thing except there was no meet up before and after, it was basically a re-run of the Saturday event without time limits and with no reception.

Our clues were emailed to us at Midnight and I got up early on Sunday to start figuring our what it was we were to find. We ended up heading into London around 11am and didn’t get home until 9pm, a long day wandering the streets finding our treasures. For those that don’t know it has been rather hot in London of late but thankfully while it was around the 30 degree mark it was a dry heat and there was also a nice breeze throughout the day.

As usual I was over-prepared and carried around our tripod and big bag of camera gear – I guess our experiences in Petra prepared me for long days walking with heavy gear. Keryn helped out as well, carrying stuff for long periods. We found most of our locations easily enough, thorough Google searching helping to unravel the clues. Along the way we bumped in to lots of other people also taking photos for the event, most friendly but guarded as well as we all protected our ideas for photos.

Next time (and I do want to do it again) we’ll definitely take other people with us as Keryn and I are good at the clue deciphering, walking and photo taking bits but no so good at the inventive and zany ideas required for the best looking photos. There are plenty more events coming up though I don’t think we’ll be able to take part in any more until after we’ve been and come back from NZ and Paris. It was an enjoyable day, helped no doubt by the great weather. Photos from both Saturdays and Sundays events will be up on the Shoot Experience Gallery so have a look to see what some of the more adventurous and creative people in London were doing this past weekend.

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