Cape Town

Cape Town? What about the rest of the trip? Well, it’ll mostly have to wait. I was ready to upload some of it but the Internet at our hotel doesn’t allow me to upload so for the moment we’ll all have to wait. We’ve had a nice afternoon at a friendly Cape Town hospital where Keryn was having her knee looked at, the same one she had problems with all those years back. It’s flared up after a bit of a twist while walking on sand and it’s causing her a bit of pain and can’t be bent properly. The nice doctor gave her a prescription and told her to hire out some crutches so she’ll he hoping around Cape Town. Bridget – Keryn may not be doing the Abel Tasman walk but I’ll still be going, Keryn may end up staying longer in Wellington. We’re playing a wait and see game.

Other than that not much to say, hopefully I’ll get the last week and a bit up on the Internet soon. See ya later.

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