It’s quiet at work

So I’ll do something else for a while. Here are more photos from our trip down to the New Forest and Corfe Castle.

Taken on a rainy morning.
Taken on a rainy morning. I stopped the car and took a few photos of this horse which was happily eating while the rain fell.

A semi tame herd of deer makes it's way to this clearing in the New Forest every day to be fed in the afternoon.
A semi tame herd of deer makes it’s way to this clearing in the New Forest every day to be fed in the afternoon.

It being spring there were many foals. This young one was relaxing next to a car park in the middle of a moor.
It being spring there were many foals. This young one was relaxing next to a car park in the middle of a moor.

Taken from the ruins of Corfe Castle in the late evening.
Taken from the ruins of Corfe Castle in the late evening.

We had made it back to the car park and were about to leave. I made a last little walk up a path from the car park and took some final shots of Corfe Castle.
We had made it back to the car park and were about to leave. I made a last little walk up a path from the car park and took some final shots of Corfe Castle.

I watched this particular horse for 15 minutes or so, taking photos until the light was nearly gone.
I watched this particular horse for 15 minutes or so, taking photos until the light was nearly gone.

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