East Coast Holiday: Cape Kidnappers

We’ve been back in New Zealand for a year now and a couple of weeks back we took our first proper holiday, taking the time to visit some of the country. The plan was to drive up the east coast of the north island from Napier up and around to Whakatane. We planned to camp, […]

It was raining lightly

Another day between shifts and even though the weather was inclement I decided I’d go for a walk. I chose once more to head to Zealandia. On my last visit to Zealandia I had encountered a number of saddleback (tieke) and got some photos, and I was itching to get better shots. Arriving it was […]


We came back from Waikanae yesterday afternoon to find the Hutt Valley lined with smoke. I drove down the Eastern Hutt Road and we came around a corner to see a helicopter flying over the hills above Naenae. Pulling over we got out and watched with a small crowd of people as fireman pushed through […]

Once more to Zealandia

I’ve got my replacement camera via insurance and Noel Leeming so decided to head out and try it out. I headed to Zealandia and wandered around for a good three hours, taking a few tracks I hadn’t been on before and naturally taking lots of photos. New for me this time were saddleback on the […]

Queen Charlotte Track: Day 3

Punga Cove to Portage Bay Today was a big day; we had 25km to cover travelling up to and along the ridge between Queen Charlotte Sounds and Kenepuru Sounds. We started the days walk straight after breakfast, since the restaurant is part way up the hill. Breakfast was lovely overlooking Endeavour Inlet as we ate. […]

Waiohine Gorge

As mentioned earlier, if you read my twitter feed (which, to me, sounds so much better than “if you read my tweets”), Keryn has been off gallivanting around Queen Charlotte sound for a few days. As such I’ve had time to myself and today I finally got out to take some photographs. Over the hill […]

Queen Charlotte Track: Day 2

Furneaux Lodge to Punga Cove It was a relaxed start to the morning; since we only had a short days walk ahead of us with all day to do it in. Breakfast didn’t start until 8am and our only deadline was to return our bags to reception by 9am for their journey to the next […]

Queen Charlotte Track: Day 1

Just before Christmas I realised that Brendon was working most of the upcoming Wellington Anniversary weekend. Miffed that we couldn’t take advantage of the long weekend I decided to get in contact with Janet (friend we met while travelling through South America) and asked if she would like company while walking the Queen Charlotte track, […]


Good recent weather has combined with some days off work, so I’ve been out a about a little bit. I went to the Otari-Wilton’s Bush and walked for three hours, having the tracks mostly too myself on a Tuesday morning. It was nice just walking in forest without people, and I got to see a […]

The sun came out

Summer decided to come out from hiding for another day which thankfully coincided with one of my days off. After lunch with Keryn I headed to Karori and spent a few hours walking around Zealandia. I saw my first Zealandia saddleback which was nice, such a striking bird. I also saw five different tuatara and […]

Family Christmas

We travelled down to Timaru by car, taking the Blue Bridge ferry across Cook Stait. We had Patricia and Sam with us and Patricia has inside knowledge for the first ferry, running off to find us a cabin upstairs. It was nice to have an area we could relax and have our own space. Photo […]

A weekend journey

The weekend just gone had us travelling to New Plymouth to see Fleetwood Mac in concert. Rather than drive all the way we broke up the journey by staying a night at Jerusalem, situated north of Wanganui on the Whanganui River. The road from Wanganui follows the river and is at times narrow and winds […]

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