Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of Chivalry

Order of the Boar – 2013 Grail of Chivalry

Every two years the Order of the Boar medieval re-enactment group holds the Grail of Chivalry jousting tournament at Harcourt Park in Upper Hutt. We attended a couple of years ago and returned this year for another visit. It was a hot day, much like the rest of summer recently, and a lot of the afternoon was spent moving with the shade as the sun tracked across the sky. Well, Keryn and Pauline moved with the shade and I stood in the sun taking photos.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Not just jousting.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Lined up for (re-enactment) battle.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Ready to attack.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Arrows from the long bow demonstration.
Ready to joust.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn


Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Coming around for another go.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Facing the foe.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Modern day armour repair, MacGyver would approve.

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Professional re-enactment (and in the heat, an amazing method of dehydration).

Order of the Boar - 2013 Grail of ChivalryPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

The worst injury I saw all day, quite remarkable.

I’m looking forward to the next event already, hopefully next time round a little more overcast for the sake of those in full armour as well as us photographer types.

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