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GOPI 2013

Keryn and I attended the prizegiving for the Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet (GOPI) 2013 photography competition. I was lucky enough to be chosen as the winner in the nature category and had 3 photos highly commended across a few categories as well. The photos entered improve every year and I think I’ve been learning from the results of previous years where I’ve been highly commended, enough to win a category this time around. Now to spend the rest of year taking more photos for the 2014 competition.

IMG 2045Photo by Brendon & Keryn

My winning photo in the GOPI 2013 photography competition.

In addition to certificates I also got a lovely canvas print of my photo and also some prizes from Jackson Clarke Real Estate, Bright’s Mitre 10 Paremata, Duck Creek restaurant in Pauatahanui and Flaming Frog coffee. Well worth entering I think.

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