Pencarrow Snow

Spring is in the air, just about

The snow has gone and the temperature is generally getting warmer (except for the last few days where we’ve had what is hopefully winters last hurrah). We’ve been out and about a few times and I’ve been getting out to Zealandia a lot to check up on the wildlife. The day after the last post I was driving around Wellington getting a few snow shots, thankfully the heaviest snow wasn’t falling while I was out. I tried to drive up to the Brooklyn wind turbine but turned back about three quarters of the way up the road because of the ice. Heading to the coast I took some photos across the mouth of the Wellington harbour at the icing-sugar covered hills and walked onto the Seatoun wharf in a light snow flurry.

Pencarrow SnowPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Snow over Pencarrow.

Snowing at SeatounPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Winter at the beach in Seatoun.

The snow on the hills stuck around Porirua and the Pauatahanui Inlet for a few more days so I was able to get out and take some more wintery photos. It’s not a common occurrence to see snow at such low levels in this part of the New Zealand.

MG 6720Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Seagulls performing on a rickety jetty on the Pauatahanui Inlet.

Rainbow over Titahi BayPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Snow over Porirua.

Keryn and i have signed up with a local walking/adventure group based in Wellington (the Adventure Wellington group on Meetup) and we took part in a walk over part of the Wellington Northern Walkway one weekend. We started at the Johnsonville station and ended up at the Thistle Hill tavern several hours later having crossed over Mount Kaukau. It was a good walk and a beautiful, clear day with little wind so we had majestic views.

Great Northern WalkwayPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Looking over the harbour from Kaukau.

Great Northern WalkwayPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

And taking in the city.

Great Northern WalkwayPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Stopping to help plant a few trees with the Bells Track Working Group.

That evening there was a Malaysian Night Market set up for one night only in Opera House Lane so we went to that as well. It was very popular, too popular really and the small number of food stalls sold out quite quickly. We queued for an hour or so to get our food, at least everyone was good natured about the wait.

Malaysian Night Market in WellingtonPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

The Malaysian Night Market at Opera House Lane.

Malaysian Night Market in WellingtonPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Chicken and lamb on a stick, what more do you need? Satay sauce as well then!

Malaysian Night Market in Wellington - preparing the roti canaiPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Preparing the roti canai

Zealandia is alive with birdsong at the moment, as spring gets closer the birds get noisier and busier. Nests are being built and territories established and defended so there is always something happening. The Tui especially are full of energy and noise as they defend their favourites trees. The K?rearea are nesting and a chick was hatched a few days ago which means plenty of warning fly-bys to anyone watching the nest area when the parents swap nest duty.

TuiPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A Tui in flight

MG 7822Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Bringing nesting material.

MG 7887Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Discussing partners or warning off rivals?

K?rearea (female)Photo by Brendon & Keryn

All action while shaking

K?rearea (female)Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Ready to warn off anyone getting too close

K?rearea (female)Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Balance issues

There should be plenty more photos over the coming weeks. The Canon Photo5 competition starts this coming week so that should be fun. I’m going on a few photo walks over the next month, one organised by local photographer Rob Suisted and I’m also taking part in this years Wellington leg of the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk. We’ve also got a weekend away in the Marlborough Sounds and Keryn’s Birthday, plus the small matter of the Rugby World Cup starting soon too. A busy time ahead.

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