Snow over Camborne

The difference of a day

Yesterday was calm and cool with a lovely sunset. Today the sun was hidden by rain clouds in the afternoon that turned to snow clouds as the evening came in. We stood inside watching the snow come down, taking a few photographs from the warmth of the doorway. As it got heavier we decided (perhaps stupidly) to go for a short drive to get a few photos.

Snow over CambornePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Looking out through the falling snow over Camborne rooftops.

Snow at homePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

No time for a picnic.

We drove down to the Paremata road bridge and pulled in by the station as the snow came down in big clumps. A short walk and we were at the waterside looking over the entrance to the Pauatahanui Inlet. I’ve been meaning to get a photo of Kate, the boat nearly always moored between the road and rail bridges, so Kate was in the first few shots. We didn’t stay long, my camera is weather sealed but still no point getting it too wet and I didn’t have gloves so was quickly getting numb fingers. The snow was well and truly settling as we trudged back to the car, wet feet and wet clothes from walking through the ice slurry on the ground.

Paremata Road Bridge and KatePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

My first photo of Kate.

Keryn under the bridgePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Keryn under the bridge watching the snow.

A quick stop to get supplies at the supermarket and back up the hill to home. Thankfully we didn’t have any problems on the road, though there was a bit of sliding around and wheel spinning to get the car back into the garage on our sloped driveway.

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