MG 1082

Walking Locally

The opportunity finally presented itself (good weather, the tide was right, we were both available and willing) for a chance to walk the coastal path between Pukerua Bay and Plimmerton on the weekend just gone. We caught the train from Plimmerton to Pukerua Bay and then headed down to the Bay before following the coast all the way around until we arrived at Plimmerton, a walking journey of around 12km. There is a good description of the track, named the Wairaka Walkway, on the website.

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Near the start at Pukerua Bay.

The coast here is rocky and for the most part we were walking over rocks, be they craggy peninsulas or long curves of smooth stone beaches. The only other people we encountered along the coastline were either fishing or snorkelling for seafood. Out to sea there were plenty of small boats containing hopeful fishermen, the more successful identified by accompanied flocks of seabirds. We saw plenty of seagulls and terns, the occasional gannets and on turn sad occasions came across dead little blue penguins lying on the rocky shore near the high tide mark. I spotted a few rays out amongst the seaweed but otherwise we didn’t see much sea-life, a few small fish and anemones in rock pools the exceptions.

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Fishing with Kapiti Island on the horizon.

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One of the unfortunate penguins, no visible reason for its death.

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A long stretch of stony beach.

Keryn kept herself busy by collecting paua shells as we walked along, washed up on shore from previous gathering and eating. It wasn’t a difficult walk, sometimes it was tough walking across the longer stone beaches where each step sank into the stones and we had a few sections of hoping between larger rocks. With plenty of water and a few snacks we had plenty of energy to make it to Plimmerton. Closing in on Plimmerton the cliffs to our left were soon covered in toi toi and we then passed a quarry and a few batches made out of shipping containers. The sandy beaches at Plimmerton were in use by a number of people making the most of the warm and calm weather.

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Toi toi on the cliffs.

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A large rock on the beach, Mana Island in the background.

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Pirates and shipping containers.

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Summer on the beach at Plimmerton.

I’ll end with some morning photos from a few weeks back, the sun rising over the Pauatahanui hills and beaming through the heavy atmosphere to moody effect.

Early morning light IIPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Early morning mood.

Early morning light IPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Shafts of light.

I found out that there is a local photo competition themed around the Pauatahanui Inlet, by happy coincidence I’ve got nearly a years worth of photos to enter. More details on the competition can be found on the Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet website.

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