MG 1823

An excuse for photos

There are a couple of photo competitions that I’ll be looking at entering over the next month or so. The DPhoto Amateur Photographer of the Year is back and this year sponsored by Nikon. They’ve done away with the silly voting scheme from last year as well which is good. I’ve also recently found out about the Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet annual photo competition. Seeing as I’ve been taking photos around the area for nearly a year now I figure I should enter that as well.

So I’ve been thinking about photos that I already have that can be entered and also looking to take a few more shots. Here are some Pauatahanui Inlet photos from the last week.

MG 1823Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Farmland bordering the inlet.

Rainbow over Pauatahanui InletPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A rainbow arching over farmland…

Rainbow over Pauatahanui InletPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

…and coming down over the inlet, appearing to touch down at Whitby.

MG 1963Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Nearing sunset.

MG 2030Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Quiet on the estuary at low tide.
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