A weekend around Loch Lomond

Right, here’s some photos from our travels in Scotland on the weekend. Friday night we drove up, leaving Watford at 4:30pm and arriving at our B&B, near Glasgow, just after 1am. Saturday morning we met with John Hendry at 9am and had a nice, enlightening talk about the wedding day and what needs to happen when. It’ll be a 3pm ceremony now, if not earlier. After that we went for a drive and eventually ended up in Oban, on the West coast of Scotland. After a time wandering around and dinner at a Mexican restaurant we made our way back to Tambowie Farm for a very good nights sleep. Sunday involved shopping in Glasgow and seeing the Matrix with a visit to a castle in the evening. Monday we drove back home, stopping to visit a couple of places in the Lake District (Brougham Castle and Castlerigg Stone Circle) before continuing and getting back to London at around 8pm.

The road just up from Ross Priory.
The road just up from Ross Priory

Loch Lomond.
Loch Lomond

Moored in the harbour at Oban.
Moored in the harbour at Oban

A storm and rainbow.
A storm and rainbow

Loch Lomond again.
Loch Lommond again

A seagull rests at Oban.
A seagull rests at Oban

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