Clean out

As previously mentioned Steve is now engaged to Wendy. This means Steve has to put an end to his bachelor lifestyle and tidy up at home so we volunteered to help Kathy and Sharon with a Sunday clean out of Steve’s boxed stuff. So Sunday just gone was spent at Steve’s place helping him sort through all the stuff he no longer needs:

“Do you need this Steve?”
“Hesitation, that means you don’t”
“No buts, anyway, it’s in the rubbish bag now”

It's a t-shirt signed by schoolmates...
It’s a t-shirt signed by schoolmates…

We also all gave opinions on how things could be moved around, took rubbish and other stuff to the tip or charity shop as required and also spent a while walking through IKEA looking for inspiration and things that were needed. Now that furniture has been moved and boxes cleared Steve has to think about storage at home and tricky issues like built-in versus free standing storage. Once the renovations are done we’ll all be back to help rack and stack (and throw out some more stuff).

Everything is changing :-(
Everything is changing 🙁

Of course non of this is distracting Steve from the much more important questions, queries, thoughts and decisions that arise from his impending nuptials…that is the most important thing of course.

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