Well, I won didn’t I

Good news! I won the London Eye photo competition! For my efforts I received a Fujifilm digital camera, a big magnum of champagne and a years family pass to Tussauds Group venues. Reading up on some other sites (like the Lets Go Digital site here) it appears that my photo will go on permanent display in the County Hall Ticket Office for the London Eye as well. The winning photo was one of the ones I posted the other week and here it is again:

Winning Entry: Sunset Flare.
Winning Entry: Sunset Flare

We spent the afternoon at the Eye and there was a short speech and presentation at 4pm by David Sharpe (Managing Director of British Airways London Eye) and then it was straight into the prizes. When he announced “…and the winner is Brendon Doran” I was amazed but had the presence of mind to get up, shake his hand and receive my prizes (which we did a few times for the photos). The other prizes were awarded and then we were led outside to look at our photos on display and to have some more photos taken by the press photographer.

With my winning photo.
With my winning photo

A group photo with the other finalists.
A group photo with the other finalists

The winning photos on display outside by Custom House and the London Eye.
The winning photos on display outside by Custom House and the London Eye

Once the formalities were done a group of us got together and took the opportunity to take a ride on the eye as we had all received free passes. It was a good flight with lots of friendly congratulations and chatter. Flight done we said goodbyes, with six of us sticking around and wandering down to find a place to have a drink. We eventually found a seat outside the Queen Elizabeth Hall and chatted away over a couple of bottles of wine. It was a pleasant way to wind down a good afternoon.

Keryn was there as well.
Keryn was there as well

Posing on our flight after the presentation and photos were done.
Posing on our flight after the presentation and photos were done

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2 thoughts on “Well, I won didn’t I

  1. Congratulations! Very well deserved, looking forward to seeing your photo in County Hall.

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