Catching up on the past: Paris

We spent four days in Paris in September 2006 and had a good time. The tourist spots were all good; we went to a number of excellent museums (Mus?e du Louvre, Mus?e de l’Orangerie des Tuileries, Mus?e d’orsay), climbed up the Eiffel Tower, a couple of Churches (Basilique du Sacre Coeur, Cath?drale Notre Dame de […]

Paris & London

Photos from Paris are now up in the Gallery, either look for the City Breaks section or click on this Paris link. The Eiffel Tower Today at lunchtime I briefly visited the Tate Modern to have a gander at the new Unilever exhibition in the turbine hall (you might remeber a photo from a few […]

Three photos

In between working on wedding photos I spend a little time on our photos from recent travels. Here are three photos, one each from Brisbane, Singapore and Paris. Downtown Brisbane Singapore Zoo Paris


We spent four days in Paris over the weekend, arriving back in London via Eurostar on Tuesday evening. We had a good if tiring time, I’m fairly sure we climbed over 2000 stairs exploring various monuments and churches. Inside St. Germain Church It was Keryn’s 30th birthday on the Sunday just gone and it was […]

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