Relaxing in Ngungwe

October 1st – Day Seven

Today was pretty much a rest day for us. I wrote up a few days of our trip so far and we did a lot of relaxing. In the morning we did go for a walk down the beach in the opposite direction to the turtle sanctuary. We passed through a few bays before coming across a large structure built over the water. It turned out to be a bar and restaurant for a swanky hotel. We met Helen coming along the beach and together we talked to the security guard for the bar and he gave us guest passes so we could have a look around the building. The bars didn’t actually open till 8pm so the structure was empty of people other than a few repair men and a couple of guys sweeping. It was all very nice and we had a nice time just staring at the shoals of fish around the bar support piles while talking about various things. Eventually we were done and we made our way back down to the beach and Keryn and I headed back to the home beach while Helen continued further on.

A morning view.
A morning view

The fancy bar down the beach.
The fancy bar down the beach

The tide had come in since our first trip along the beach so we had a bit of fun clambering over rocks and through small breaking waves. Helen had a harder time when she made the same trip later. The rest of the day was spent relaxing over lunch and dinner, writing, sleeping and talking with friends.

A passing dhow.
A passing dhow

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