Kande Beach

October 11th – Day Seventeen masquerading as day Sixteen which was of course the 10th

Starting with the end of yesterday first, I finished writing up the last thirteen days and then had a hard time uploading the text and photos. In the end I managed to get the text uploaded from a computer in the sauna they call the Internet access room. I gave up on the photo upload, it was proving to difficult. Keryn had her second dive, joined by Roger and Tina on their first try dive. We spent the rest of the afternoon packing and getting organised for dinner. Dinner was again at the on site restaurant ‘Soft Sands Cafe’ and tonight I had a chilli-con-carne followed by a slice of chocolate cake which was nice if unspectacular. Retiring to the bar we had a few drinks, paid the bar tab for the last few days and a few of us played table football (Steve and I lost to Maria and Will, Maria thinks this is making up for the volleyball loss the other day). Not long after this it was once again off to bed, sleep required to prepare us for another day of driving tomorrow

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