Wednesday night with Garbage

Wednesday night was another concert, this time a special fan-club only concert for the band Garbage. We went with Paul and Jen, Ben and a bunch of other people from work. Being a fan-club concert there was a large contingent of die-hard fans and upon entering the venue (La Scala in Kings Cross) there was an instant crowd at the front of the stage. To avoid the crush we stood nearer the back of the venue on a raised area. This enabled a nice clear view of the band over everyone’s heads and we managed to have a little bit of space to move in as well.

It was a very loud concert and the band came on quite late considering there was no opening act. Despite the wait it was a good show and we enjoyed ourselves. As always I had my camera with me and this is my favourite photo.

Shirley Manson of Garbage at La Scala.
Shirley Manson of Garbage at La Scala.

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