Hello! Yes, we’re still here just in case you were wondering. Last night we went and saw KT Tunstall in concert at the ICA in London. We were a little early (OK, maybe a couple of hours early) so ate in the ICA Cafe and then sat on the edge of the stage while waiting for the music to start. The opening act was a couple of Irish guys going by the name of ‘Sons of Jim’ and after their half hour set it wasn’t to long a wait before KT arrived. It was a good concert, very enjoyable. As always, here are a couple of photos taken on the night. I felt a little bit left out as we were surrounded by people with SLR’s (mainly digital) but I think I do all right with my Powershot.
KT Tunstall at the ICA in London
KT clapping for a loop on the song Black Horse and the Cherry Tree.