KT Tunstall at the ICA

Hello! Yes, we’re still here just in case you were wondering. Last night we went and saw KT Tunstall in concert at the ICA in London. We were a little early (OK, maybe a couple of hours early) so ate in the ICA Cafe and then sat on the edge of the stage while waiting for the music to start. The opening act was a couple of Irish guys going by the name of ‘Sons of Jim’ and after their half hour set it wasn’t to long a wait before KT arrived. It was a good concert, very enjoyable. As always, here are a couple of photos taken on the night. I felt a little bit left out as we were surrounded by people with SLR’s (mainly digital) but I think I do all right with my Powershot.

KT Tunstall at the ICA in London
KT Tunstall at the ICA in London

KT clapping for a loop on the song Black Horse and the Cherry Tree.
KT clapping for a loop on the song Black Horse and the Cherry Tree.

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