Finns again

Below are photos from the in-store appearance of the Finn Brothers at Virgin Megastore last night. A fantastic little gig they played eight or nine songs mixing new stuff with Crowded House, Split Enz and even a Finn album number.

The boys grin for the gaggle of photographers
The boys grin for the gaggle of photographers

Thankfully the photographers left after a couple of songs (I counted 13 of the happy little snappers) and the view opened up. the first song was the current single and fantastic tune ‘Won’t Give In’. While introducing it Tim got mixed up and forgot the name of their new album and had to be saved by Neil. The album is ‘Everyone is Here’, out later this month and no, I don’t get money for promoting it, I just like what I’ve heard so far..

Neil Finn
Neil Finn

The stage was set up so the main lighting was on Tim’s mic, leaving Neil in the dark most of the time. A pity as it meant most of the photos I got were of Tim – not a bad thing but I would have liked some better lit shots of Neil as well.

Tim Finn
Tim Finn

Tim was in fine form, especially when they played the first Split Enz track, ‘Six Months in a Leaky Boat’. I also enjoyed ‘Angels Heap’ from the Finn album, it’s a track that is very much growing on from this last week.

Tim gets into the song
Tim gets into the song

After the end of the main set Neil and Tim asked the crowd if we wanted them to come out and say hi or if we preferred another song or two. Neil decided after listening to the cheering for each suggestion that the songs won and the set was ended with a Crowded House song ‘It’s Only Natural’ followed by ‘I Got You’ from Split Enz. I haven’t heard that last song in years, it bought back memories of radio in NZ when I was very young. I’ve been humming it ever since.

Together in song
Together in song

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