Barenaked Ladies

Barenaked Ladies performed at the Hammersmith Apollo and we attended. One of the many songs performed was called ‘Another Postcard’, which was (or is, depending on where you are in the world) the first single off of the Ladies latest album ‘Everything to Everyone’. The song concerns the abundance of postcards adorned with chimpanzees that are being sent around the world and all the different forms they take. During the song a small soft toy chimp was thrown on stage and lay there writhing (it was a dancing chimp but because it was on its back it looked more like an injured chimp – and Steve labelled it the writhing chimp as such) while the guys finished the song. Much hilarity ensued as the guys played around with the little guy, culminating in a roaring speech followed by a swift departure for the chimp to the edge of the stage (it was thrown away actually). The Chimp did feature a few more times during the night before being escorted backstage, on a guitar, by one of the roadies.

The chimp steals the show
The chimp steals the show

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