
Yesterday was officially the hottest day ever (well, since records began which is a long time) in England. The temperature got to over 37 degrees in Gravesend, Kent, and was pushing 37 in London. I had the pleasure of working for the weekend, which in all honestly probably wasn’t a bad thing as I was stuck in a nice air-conditioned office. Pity I had to be working at the same time though.

We ventured out at 1pm for lunch and wandered down to St. Paul’s to try and find someplace open for food. Thankfully there is a new development that contains a small but very well air-conditioned Marks and Spencer’s, so we stopped there to relax in the cool and shop for our lunches. On the way back we really felt the heat, It was hot though thankfully not very humid – I think when we were in Bangkok the heat was worse.

As is typical in this country public services started failing at the first signs of extreme weather, apparently all the lifts failed at Heathrow and there have been afternoon speed restrictions on train and tube services for over a week now. All those coming for the wedding will be pleased to learn that the heat wave is expected to end tomorrow and normal weather (such as it is) for this time of year will resume.

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