MG 9531

The last weekday off shift

I start a new role at work today (don’t worry, this was written a few days ago, I am working) and am no longer working shifts, moving back to the good old 9-5 working week. Before I was part of the shift team performing a support role for a number of contracts held by HP. Now I’m to be a team leader for the support team on a specific contract, its only a small team so I’ll still be doing support work but I’ll also be taking care of the team administration and management. It looks like I’ll also be managing the shift team as well, so my focus will largely be management. Both Keryn and I are looking forward to me having more consistent hours and weekends.

This does of course mean no more rostered days off during the week. My last weekday off shift was spent playing games, getting a haircut and then a few hours walking around Zealandia on what turned out to be a sunny afternoon.

MG 9531Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A resting Kawaupaka (Little Pied Shag).

MG 9677Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A blue headed Korimako, additional colouring from feeding on the Fushia.

MG 9743Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A Tuatara hiding behind a flax.

MG 9821Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A plump Tui.

MG 9890Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A resting Kaka.

I’m sure there will be plenty of visits to Zealandia to come, but I’ll miss the weekday visits with less people around. Still, there will be plenty of benefits to the new role and better schedule. No more night shifts is a good start.

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