Playing with foam


The 2011 Canon Photo5 competition is underway and the first category closes for entries today. The category asks for creative close-up photos of foam and these are a few of my attempts, with my entry the last.

Playing with foamPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Multiple colours.

Playing with foamPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Contrasting colours.

Playing with foamPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Narrow depth of field.

Playing with foamPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Getting very close.

Playing with foamPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Fluro caviar.

All the photos were taken using a macro lens with the camera on a tripod and a cable release used to minimise shaking. The foam was made using the packet of soapy glycerine provided by Canon in the Photo5 box. I mixed this with water (using Keryn’s hot chocolate whisk, shhh!) to make lots of bubbles and then scooped off the bubbles onto a white tile. Food colouring was added and then I just rotated the tile looking for interesting angles. Next up will be the low light and panning categories I think, if I get time.

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