IMG 7731

New, old photos

I’ve been uploading photos that we used to display in the gallery on 2kiwis to our flickr account, the latest set our final days travelling in the UK before leaving on our six month journey back to NZ. Looking at the photos I’ve got left to upload I realised that there are quite a few gaps, not least all the Central and South America photos (which are on facebook, but could do with being moved). Also, it appears that none of the Cinque Terre are online, I’ll try to sort that out this week. Then there is Paris, and our time in Morocco, and probably a few other travels as well.

For now, here is a photo from Hadrians Wall, Sam wandering up the hill. Did I mention I’d love to be on holiday?

IMG 7731Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Wandering Hadrians Wall
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