Fly away

Dusky Wellington & Kaitoke zooming

Just a quick one this. These are photo taken last week around dusk in Wellington and a few from yesterday when I went for a walk at Kaitoke (though there are no photos to be seen of the interesting looking fake-stone arch and stone circle that were set up on the approach road to Kaitoke, the security made sure of that).

Fly awayPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Birds flying away at sunset.

Dusk moon over WellingtonPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

The moon rises over Wellington.

Kaitoke forest zoomPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Playing with zooming.

Tree zoomPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A further experiment.

The zoom photos were taken by setting the camera on a tripod and making sure the exposure was set for a few seconds. The shot was then composed and taken and near the end of the exposure the lens was zoomed in, creating the light trails. It’s always interesting to experiment with photography.

Oh, and I changed the 2kiwis site template the other day. There will be tinkering over the coming days no doubt so if things look strange then let me know.

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